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Ines Testoni

MSA foto Ines Testoni
Ines Testoni is a full professor of social psychology, director of the Master’s programs in “Death Studies & The End of Life” and “Creative Arts Therapies for Resilience Support” at the University of Padua. She is also a member of the Drama & Health Science Lab and a researcher at the University of Haifa (Israel).
Recognized as one of the 100 most influential female scientists in Italy for her studies on death, she has authored 200 internationally impactful articles and around 20 books. Among her most recent works are Il grande libro della morte. Miti e riti dalla preistoria ai cyborg (The Great Book of Death: Myths and Rituals from Prehistory to Cyborgs) and Il terzo sesso. Perché Sio non è maschio e altre questioni di genere (The Third Sex: Why God Is Not Male and Other Gender Questions), both published by Il Saggiatore.
She has served and continues to serve on ministerial and professional technical committees for palliative care.