
Enrico Facco

Foto Enrico Facco

Enrico Facco is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, a Neurology specialist, Studium Patavinum – Department of Neurosciences, University of Padua. He is the Vice-Director of the Master's in Sedation and Emergency in Dentistry at the University of Padua and a teacher at the Franco Granone Institute – Italian Center of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis (CIICS), Turin. He is an expert in pain therapy and acupuncture. He held the Chair of General and Special Dental Anesthesia at the University of Padua from 2009 to 2014.
Enrico Facco is the past president of the European Federation for the Advancement of Anesthesia in Dentistry and a reviewer for various international journals. He has published over 300 articles on anesthesia, headaches, acute and chronic pain, acupuncture, consciousness, hypnosis, meditation, and other non-ordinary expressions of the mind, coma, vegetative state, brain death, and intensive care.

Facco, E. Esperienze di premorte (Altravista, Lugavilla, 2010).
Facco, E. Meditazione e ipnosi tra neuroscienze, filosofia e pregiudizio (Altravista, Lungavilla, 2014)
Facco, E., Fracas, F. L’enigma della coscienza (Mondadori Università, Milano, 2018).
Facco, E., Tagliagambe, S. (2020). Ritornare a Ippocrate (Mondadori Università, Milano, 2020).