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Giovanni Filoramo

MSA Giovanni Filoramo
Giovanni Filoramo is Professor Emeritus of History of Christianity at the University of Turin. He has focused on various aspects of the history of early Christianity, Gnosticism and its legacy, historiography and historical-religious methodology, contemporary religious situations, and the relationship between the Church and modernity. Among his works are: What is Religion (Einaudi, 2004); The Cross and Power: Christians from Martyrs to Persecutors (Laterza, 2011); Hypothesis God: The Divine as a Necessary Idea (il Mulino, 2016); The Great Narrative of Religions (il Mulino, 2018); with Corrado Augias, The Great Novel of the Gospels (Einaudi, 2019); History of the Early Church (Dehoniane, 2019); On the Tracks of the Sacred: Processes of Sacralization in Contemporary Society (FrancoAngeli, 2022). He has promoted a series of editorial initiatives related to historical-religious studies, including a Dictionary of Religions (Einaudi), an Atlas of Religions (UTET), a five-volume History of Religions (Laterza), and, in collaboration with D. Menozzi, a four-volume History of Christianity (Laterza).