
Nicola De Pisapia

MSA Nicola De Pisapia

Nicola De Pisapia is an Associate Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science (DIPSCO) at the University of Trento, where he leads the Consciousness, Creativity, and Cognitive Control Research (CCCR) lab. He teaches three academic courses: Neuroscience of Meditative and Altered States of Consciousness, Cognitive Ergonomics for Organizational Well-being, and Artificial Neural Networks.

His training is in computational cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of mind, obtained in Italy, the USA, and the UK. Before returning to Italy, he conducted research and taught at Washington University in St. Louis (USA). In Italy, he has founded three start-ups in the field of neurotechnology for mental well-being.

His research sits at the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy, focusing on enhancing the potential of the human mind and consciousness. Specifically, his main research topics include attention control and executive functions, consciousness and altered states, meditation, well-being, creativity, and the effects of advanced technologies (such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality) on the mind.

For further details Nicola De Pisapia