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Ven. Olivier Rossi

Ven Olivier Rossi

The Venerable Lobsang Jamyang (Olivier Rossi), born in France in 1969, participated in the Masters Program at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute in Italy from 1998 to 2005 under the guidance of Venerable Ghesce Jampa Gyatso of the Sera Jay Jhadrel Khamtsen and took ordination in June 1998. On the advice of his teacher, he served as an assistant teacher for the Basic Program residential at ILTK from 2005 to 2007, for the Masters Program from 2008 to 2013, and again for the Masters Program in 2015-2016. In his 25 years of ordination, Venerable Olivier has also led numerous retreats and weekend courses in FPMT centers in Europe and Asia. Since 2020, he resides at the Muni Gyana center in Palermo, where he currently teaches the Basic Program residential and weekend courses. Venerable Olivier is also a member of the Sangha Onlus association, which is involved in establishing the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Tuscany, Italy.

Sangha Onlus Ven. Olivier Rossi
Sangha Onlus Ven. Olivier Rossi