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The Ethics of AI and Robotics: A Buddhist Viewpoint

The central question could be: how can we ensure that artificial intelligences and robots are developed with consideration for the well-being of all sentient beings?
MSA The Ethics of AI and Robotics
Soraj Hongladarom's title addresses the ethical challenges associated with artificial intelligence and advanced robotics. In a world where technology rapidly transforms our ways of living and interacting, the author proposes integrating the millennia-old wisdom of Buddhism with contemporary AI challenges.
Initially, the importance of mindfulness is emphasized, central in the Buddhist perspective, with the encouragement to live in the present moment and pay attention to one's actions and their consequences. The practice of mindfulness is crucial in the development of technologies as it allows us to consider the ethical implications of inventions and address unintended consequences that may arise.
Hongladarom questions the anthropocentric vision that often pervades the debate on AI, arguing that this perspective not only ignores the interests of other forms of life but also limits our understanding of what it means to be "sentient." As technology advances, increasingly sophisticated artificial entities are being created, and the definition of consciousness and sensitivity becomes more complex. The author asserts that compassion, one of the most important qualities in Buddhism, should guide the design and implementation of technologies.
The central question could be: how can we ensure that artificial intelligences and robots are developed with consideration for the well-being of all sentient beings?
Compassion is not just an ethical value but a force that can inspire significant change in technological design. The author suggests that to create AI and robots that are not only efficient but also actively contribute to collective well-being, we must root our projects in principles of care and respect. Furthermore, the Buddhist approach invites reflection on the nature of suffering, another key theme. Exploring the causes of suffering and seeking ways to alleviate it becomes a fundamental mission even for artificial intelligences. AI can be programmed to identify and address the sufferings of both humans and non-humans, contributing to a more just and compassionate world.
Another crucial point addressed in the book is the importance of responsibility in the development of AI. Hongladarom argues that every technological innovation brings with it a set of ethical responsibilities. We must be aware of the consequences of our actions and consider the long-term implications of the technologies we create. In this context, Buddhism offers a useful perspective, as it teaches us to consider the impact of our actions on all beings and the environment. This implies that the development of AI should not be guided solely by motives of profit or efficiency but also by a commitment to the common good. Hongladarom criticizes traditional ethical views, which often focus on utilitarian approaches, and proposes a synthesis that integrates compassion and interconnectedness. His proposal suggests that technology should be seen as a tool to promote deeper and more meaningful relationships between humans and other forms of life. The design of AI systems should aim to facilitate mutual care and promote positive interactions rather than simply maximizing efficiency or productivity. Additionally, the book explores the question of whether artificial intelligences can be considered moral subjects. With the evolution of technology, we are faced with the possibility that artificial entities may develop forms of awareness or sensitivity. This raises profound questions about rights, responsibilities, and the ethical implications of treating these new forms of life. Hongladarom invites us to reflect on how our attitude towards AIs and robots may influence their evolution and role in society. Compassion and care must become the foundations of the relationships we establish with these entities, just as we should do with other human beings and other forms of life.
In a context where advanced technologies can bring both significant benefits and challenges, the book emphasizes the importance of an ethical approach based on mindfulness and compassion. Buddhist philosophy offers valuable guidance for navigating this complex territory, encouraging deep reflection and commitment to the common good.
Finally, Hongladarom underscores that as technology continues to progress, it is crucial that our actions are guided by a clear understanding of our ethical responsibilities. The creation of artificial intelligences and robots should be seen as an opportunity to promote care, compassion, and interconnectedness rather than merely an exercise in engineering.
In this text, therefore, the reader will find an important reflection on the future direction of technology and its impact on society. By integrating the Buddhist principles of mindfulness, compassion, and interconnectedness, Soraj Hongladarom proposes a new ethical paradigm that could guide the development of AI so that it can contribute to the well-being of all sentient beings. This approach is not only relevant to the technological community but also to anyone wishing to understand the ethical implications of the rapidly evolving world in which we live, where intelligent technologies will play an increasingly central role in our lives.
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